Sunday, January 1, 2012

Some big news

I had intentions of writing an eloquent post about Christmas and New Years, with a witty explanation as to my blogging absence of late.  But eloquence has definitely left the building around here.  And I'm blaming it all on the baby.

Yes, that's right, we are expecting another little one in July 2012.  Up until this point I've been feeling too nauseous and exhausted to devote much time to blogging (or in fact anything other than 'living'), but I'm hoping that I will get some more energy soon.  So look out for a modified one project a week this year, and a new feature '12 in 2012'.  Oh, and lots of baby craftiness of course.


  1. Congratulations. Hopefully the MS begins to ease soon for you.

  2. huge congrats!! <3 :) :)

    you will have to let me know when you find out what your having (if your going to find out that is) -- I will have lots of little boys clothes to pass on. And most likely some teeny nappies too if you want?


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